"We offer flexible pricing models, catering to the needs and goals of our clients. The crux of our value proposition is that our platform is a cost-efficient advisory model offering premium service."

A la carte
This structure is ideal for clients who have clear deliverable(s) over a specific time period, OR want an ongoing relationship but desire greater flexibility to scale up and scale down in hours on a month-to-month basis in working with us. An hourly arrangement also leaves our relationship open for flexible work going forward, creating a seamless continued contractual arrangement. Clients who would like to work with us on an ongoing basis using an hourly rate should plan for monthly planning meetings whereby we can discuss the following months hours for planning purposes.

Ongoing services
A retainer or ongoing fee is most suitable for clients who wish to gain access to Tarplin Consulting’s expertise across a variety of projects and work on a regular basis and/or would like to engage us on an advisory basis to answer ad-hoc questions and get advice on best-practice in IR with greater visibility into cost. The fee is derived based upon targeted hours and depending on the needs of the client. This type of arrangement spans at least 3 months. It is essentially an access fee whereby, I am committed to you as a client and you gain access to my knowledge-base, as well as my time to complete investor relations related work during the month.